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Welcome to my 8th grade US History webpage! My name is [Your Name] and I am a certified Social Studies Teacher in the great state of Texas. This website is tailored to provide resources and information for both my students and the broader educational public school system. Feel free to browse through my site and learn more about me and my teaching philosophy. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me.

1st 9 Weeks:
Exploration, Colonization, and the American Revolution

In the first 9 weeks, we focus on three time periods or eras of US History. Click on a link/picture to go to a specific lesson/period. Each link contains information and downloadable worksheets.

2nd 9 Weeks:
Early Government and the New Republic

In the second 9 weeks, we focus on the Articles of Confederation, the creation of the Constitution and Government, and the first 5 Presidents. Click on a link/picture to go to a specific lesson/period. Each link contains information and downloadable worksheets.

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